Untitled (Self-portrait) c. 1976-78Untitled (California) c. 1970’sUntitled (California) c. 1970’sUntitled (San Francisco, Chinatown) 1977Untitled (San Francisco, Chinatown) 1977Untitled (California) c. 1970’sUntitled (California) c. 1970’sUntitled (Daido Moriyama) c. late 1970’sUntitled (Japan) c. 1970’sUntitled (New York City, Staten Island Ferry Terminal) 1978Untitled (New York City) 1978Untitled (New York City) 1978
Copyright © 2024Throughout the 1970’s and 80’s Kazu meticulously documented his surroundings with his trusted Nikon F and an Olympus Pen-W. In the mid-70’s he was a member of the CAMP photography workshop, started by Daido Moriyama in Tokyo. After moving to the US in 1976, he increasingly focused on painting, printmaking, and sculpture, but he continued taking photographs, many of which he used as the basis for lithographs and monotypes.